Upgrading from versions 1, 2 or 3.

Keyoti SearchUnit 2012 (and 2010) incorporates some significant changes in methodology and the degree of work required to upgrade will be proportional to the proximity of your projects to the older version API. Eg. for a simple case of indexing a web-site through the supplied tools and searching via the SearchResult control - there may be only a few changes to make. However in a case where extensive use of our API has been made, there will be several places where code needs to change (usually property name changes or change to a new method) and possibly attention paid to how configuration settings are stored.

The most fundamental change is the indexing format and methodology. New version indexes are not compatible with older indexes, and must be generated again - however they are also much faster to generate now, so index recreation shouldn't be too large a task.
Further, new indexes are 'built' as documents are added (eg. via importing). The entire 'Build' operation has been removed. This makes all operations more efficient and incremental indexing much quicker.

Step 1 - Creating the new index files

Porting Index Settings And Sources

If you have a v3 index directory that you wish to convert to new format, you can create a new folder for the new index, and copy all XML files from the v3 index directory to the new directory. Doing this will preserve configuration settings, location/content category setups, and imported sources (their import parameters, not the actual documents).

Step 2 - Changing references

Change the project references from the old version DLLs to the version 4 DLLs.

Step 3 - Upgrading web.config

Check the web.config for any mention of our DLLs with specific version numbers. You should change the version number to that of the actual DLL versions. You can find the version of a DLL through Windows Explorer -> Properties -> Version (tab)

Step 4 - Upgrading classes

If you have used our API from your code, you will need to make some changes.


Typically the best way to see what code needs to change is to compile it with the new DLLs. There are numerous cases where a minor change has been made to a member name (to bring it inline with the .NET naming conventions) and cases where members have been made obsolete. In all cases the compiler error should include a suggestion of an alternative to use.

Pro Version Upgrades

In addition to everything described in this document, it's necessary to uninstall the Windows Service and Web Admin (using the administration MSI, located under the start menu) and then after installation of the main installer, install the new administration MSI.

General breaking changes